What is ‘Customized Employment’?

Customized Employment is a person-centered framework that uses a discovery process to find the strengths, needs and interests of an individual and then matches those qualities with the needs of an employer..It is a type of supported employment strategy that assists people with disabilities who might not have found employment success through other employment strategies. 

What is ‘Integrated Employment’?

Integrated Employment occurs in work in a setting typically found in the community in which individuals interact with individuals without disabilities other than those who are providing services to those individuals, to the same extent that individuals without disabilities in comparable positions interact with other persons.

What are microenterprises?

Microenterprises are “small businesses owned by individuals with developmental disabilities who have control and responsibility for decision-making and overseeing the business, with accompanying business licenses, taxpayer identification numbers other than social security numbers, and separate business bank accounts. Microenterprises may be considered integrated competitive employment.